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Join us in making a spHlash in women's health!

Make Waves, Stay Balanced 


About us

Hi, I’m Izzy! If you’re here, you probably know the feeling—an all-too-familiar twinge, itch, or discomfort down there, and the anxiety starts creeping in. Whether you’ve got plans tomorrow or you just finished treatment, the last thing you want is to worry: "Is it back? Or is it something new?"

I’ve been there. Like many women, I struggle with UTIs, BV, and thrush regularly. In fact, last year I landed in the hospital because I didn’t catch an infection in time. That’s why I’m on a mission to change how we deal with these issues. I’ve created spHlash—an at-home diagnostic kit that quickly and easily helps you understand what’s going on, so you can get the right treatment fast and with confidence.

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